Packaging Production & Selling for Arts Transport
Crisostomo Transports is devoted to art world from its beginning as company, we are focused on special packagings manufacturing to transport, movement and moving for arts, paintings, sculptures, antiques, religious objects, etc.
Even being big sizes packagings, we do customized building and boxes & packaging selling to transport any artistic work, painting and/or sculpture.
In our facilities and with all kind of qualities (cardboard box, wood, metal and aluminium) we are able to create & produce any transport packaging for artworks, paintings, sculptures, antiques, religious objects, etc. and we send them to any place in Spain -Madrid, Barcelona, Seville, Valencia, Majorca, Toledo, la Corunna, etc.- with our highest quality and supplied with highest security systems as impact & movement devices in our artworks boxes or packagings.
So, if you require to buy or rent a package or box to transport any art, sculpture, painting or valuable object, you will find a specialised company in artworks packaging production, to send it by air (aircraft), sea (ship) or road transport to any place in Spain, Europe or the rest of the World.